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Kevin Hass

Right: Morning, California, Missouri


Kevin Hass, a Northeast Los Angeles resident, photographs with a medium format camera on a tripod. He prints his own 15”x15” color photographs and mats them to a 20”x24” frame size.

Kevin explains:
“My photographs commonly utilize ordinary subject matter, enhanced by careful composition or isolation of the elements seen by the camera, and by taking advantage of exceptional lighting conditions. Unique rendering of a subject in a photograph is often aided by unique qualities of light which may be present at a particular time of day or season.

Conditions which are all useful elements in photography include, but are not limited to, natural reflections, the angle of light unique to the time of day or year, and atmospheric or weather circumstances . There is no shortage of potentially interesting subject matter waiting to be discovered, hidden until just the right point of view or lighting condition makes it apparent.

The camera is usually on a tripod, and my exposures are usually fuller than would be necessary for a more straightforward approach, given the quantity of light present. This departure from conventional methods works well with my particular style of photographing and printing, helping me to create unique images.”


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