The 24th Annual Discovery Tour
Sunday, November 20, 2016: A self-guided auto tour featuring more than 100 artists in homes and studios in Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Mount Washington, and neighboring areast. View.
Fish Outta Water
Sunday, June 5, 2016: a fish themed parade open to all, celebrating the dazzling creativity of Northeast L.A. and honoring the Arroyo Seco, a tributary of the Los Angeles River, which was once, and could be again, a vibrant waterway. View.
The 23nd Annual Discovery Tour
Sunday, November 22, 2015: A self-guided auto tour featuring more than 100 artists in homes and studios in Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Mount Washington, and neighboring areast. View.
The 22nd Annual Discovery Tour
Saturday, November 22, 2014: A self-guided auto tour featuring more than 100 artists in homes and studios in Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Mount Washington, and neighboring areast. View.
Poetry in the Windows VI & Word!
Twenty-four Poem Posters in the windows of businesses along Figueroa Street from Avenue 55 to Avenue 61, with one additional at Avenue 50 Studio, 131 N. Avenue 50, in Highland Park. Presented in conjunction with Poetry in the Windows VI, Word! was a gallery show of art works featuring text. View.
The 21st Annual Discovery Tour
Sunday, November 24, 2013: A self-guided auto tour featuring more than 100 artists in homes and studios in Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Mount Washington, and neighboring areas. View.
Puppets Retake Northeast Los Angeles
From June 6 through June 8, 2013, the Arroyo Arts Collective hosted Puppets Retake Northeast Los Angeles, a three day puppetry festival at the Historic Highland Park Ebell Club, co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs. View.
Forest, For the Trees
A Fiber Environment
January 27 – March 8, 2013: presented by the AAC and Yarn Bombing Los Angeles, a built-environment site specific fiber based installation assembled again in 2013 in the Community Gallery at the Angel’s Gate Cultural Center in San Pedro. View.
The 20th Annual Discovery Tour
Sunday, November 18, 2012: A self-guided auto tour featuring more than 100 artists in homes and studios in Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Glassell Park, Montecito Heights and Mount Washington View.
co-sponsored by the Audubon Center at Debs Park
October 13 through December 1, 2012: AAC members were invited to create temporary exhibits addressing issues related to nature, with an emphasis on local birds found in Debs Park. View.
Tossed Salad
co-sponsored by the North Figueroa Association
May 1 through May 22, 2012: This series of four art events at Highland Park’s Old L.A. Farmers Market continued the Arroyo Arts Collective’s tradition of placing art in unexpected places. Everyone enjoyed a truly unique blend of art, food and community! View.
The 19th Annual Discovery Tour
Sunday, November 20, 2012: A self-guided auto tour featuring more than 100 artists in homes and studios in Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Glassell Park, Montecito Heights and Mount Washington View.
Forest, For the Trees
A Fiber Environment
November 12 through December 4 , 2011: presented by the AAC and Yarn Bombing Los Angeles, a built-environment site specific fiber based installation assembled in the Annex section of the Avenue 50 Studio. View.
Yarn Bombing 18th Street
An Exhibition of Temporary Site-Specific Installations And Gallery Work
June 18th, 2011: an exhibition comprised of site specific yarn based installations and gallery hung work on the grounds of the 18th Street Art Center. View.
For The Birds
A Site-Specific Art Installation Project Honoring the Urban Birds of Los Angeles
April 9 through May 7, 2011: a month long installation project on the grounds of the Audubon Center at Debs Park that treated visitors to a rare glimpse of an urban wildlife sanctuary, set in a Northeast Los Angeles neighborhood that has long been a haven for artists. View.
North by Northeast: the 18th Annual Discovery Tour
Sunday, November 21, 2010: A self-guided auto tour featuring more than 100 artists in homes and studios in Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Glassell Park, Montecito Heights and Mount Washington View.
Fig Knit-On
October 9-31 2010: A Fiber Art Exhibit and Yarn Bombing Event presented by
Arroyo Arts Collective. Part of NELAart.com Second Saturday Gallery Night
Day of the Dead Planet
Sponsored by the Arroyo Arts Collective • curated by Deborah Thomas
October 9 to November 7, 2010: Memorials, stories and ofrendas in the spirit of Día de los Muertos by artists who care about the environment, at Avenue 50 Studio, Inc. View.
Bringing the
Past To Light: New Art from Old Images
May 17 through June 14 2009: An on-site installation project at El Alisal, the historic Charles F. Lummis home in Highland Park. Inspired by images taken from old photographs, artists working ininstallation, performance, music, video and other new media create an innovative mix of past, present and future visions of the Arroyo. View. |
Past Events and Exhibitions
View the Collective’s many past projects such as The Discovery Tour, Poetry in the Windows, River Alchemy and River Visions, BID (Business Improvisation District) Show, Zone 5 in the City, Puppets, Puppets, Puppets! and more. Also view the exhibitions of the Acorn Gallery (2002-2008). View. |